• +44 734 1399759
  • +92 301 5214314
  • info@tuvaudita.com
  • Location: 123 Waterloo Road , Cheetham Hill, Manchester, United Kingdom M8 8BT



Occupational Safety and Health American Council (OSHAC)  develop this first aid course seeks to convey to participants the knowledge and skills required by lay and non-medical persons who might encounter situation at work, at home or at leisure. Despite being a basic course, this sets up the foundation for further training.

Course Benefits:

The course has been designed to train the general public and lay persons to a basic standard of first aid, to impart a wide spectrum of knowledge spanning the basic principles of immediate action to be taken in emergency situations, and consolidating such knowledge through the discussion and hands on practice of numerous common scenarios.

After successful completion of course, each participant should be able to:

  • Assess an emergency situation quickly and calmly.
  • Protect him/herself, bystanders and casualties from danger.
  • Assess the condition of all casualties and identify the need of immediate care.
  • Administer appropriate care of life threatening injuries relative to consciousness, airway, breathing and circulation.
  • Deal with other major conditions mainly bleeding shock, burns, fractures, difficulty in breathing, chest pain, epilepsy, stroke and diabetes.
  • Comfort and reassure casualties and bystanders.
  • What is the right Career Path for you

    OSHAC designed this first program for the fresh Graduates and Students interested in Medical field. This program also benefits individuals seeking to reach their career goal of becoming a medical field. This program helps you develop the essential skills you will need for your future job as a first aider.

  • Course Content

    There are several safety positions with different levels of responsibility in an Occupational Safety and Health career path. Each advancing level typically requires higher levels of experience, education, and knowledge and skills in leadership, business practices, safety and health, and communication and information technology. OSHAC wants to help our students who want to learn about these career opportunities.

Why TUV Audita:

TUV Auditais one of approved Training partner of European Safety Council for OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety and our qualified Trainers are approved from European Safety Council and have blended experience will give you maximum knowledge of standard.